10m South Of, 125 St. Dympna`s Road,
Dromore, Omagh, BT
Building Site (with OPP)
Offers Around £49,950
Property Overview
For Sale
Land Type
Building Site (with OPP)
Outline Planning Permission
Property Features
0.25 acres
Property Financials
Offers Around £49,950
Property Engagement
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- Outline Planning Permission For Detached Dwelling And Domestic Garage
- Application No: K/2004/0460/O
- Circa 0.25 Acre Site
- Taking Opening Offers From £45,000
- Contact The Office For Further Details
From Main Street Dromore, Proceed To Church Street And Travel Up Church Brae.
Continue On This Road For Approximately 2 Miles.
The Site Is Located On The Left And The Corry & Stewart For Sale Board Is In Place.
Corry & Stewart Estate Agents Ltd, for themselves and for the vendors or lessors of this property whose agents they are, give notice that (I) these particulars are set out as a general outline only for the guidance of intending purchasers or lessees and do not constitute part of, an offer or contract. (II) All descriptions, dimensions, references to condition and necessary permissions for use and occupation and other details, are given without responsibility on the part of Corry & Stewart Estate Agents Ltd, and intending purchasers or lessees should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact, but must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of them. (III) The vendor or lessor does not make or give, and neither Corry & Stewart Estate Agents Ltd, nor any person in their employment has any authority to make or give, any representation or warranty whatever in relation to this property.