17 Killyleagh Road17 Killyleagh Road17 Killyleagh Road

17 Killyleagh Road,

Saintfield, BT24 7EJ

3 Bed Detached House

Offers Around £195,000

3 Bedrooms

3 Receptions

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Property Overview


For Sale


Detached House





Property Features






Property Financials


Offers Around £195,000

Stamp Duty


£631.67 pa

Typical Mortgage

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  • Detached Farmhouse offering potential for renovation or replacement, subject to planning
  • Large concrete yard providing ample parking for the family cars, caravan, works van or horse lorry
  • Several stores and open fronted garage
  • Large corrugated barn with access to each side
  • Paddock circa 0.95 of an acre, previously used for grazing and enclosed by mature hedging
  • Area shaded in Blue only on the map for Sale
This is an excellent opportunity to purchase an original farmhouse, large concrete yard, excellent storage and adjoining paddock totalling 1.3 acres. The original farmhouse offers the potential to be renovated or replaced, subject to planning permission.

Located within easy reach of Saintfield’s bustling Main Street, just 2.2 miles away, which offers a variety of local amenities including Millbank farm shop, Massey’s and Martin Philips quality local butchers, antique shops, hardware/ gift shop, Chemists, convenience store and Saintfield Health Centre. St Mary’s, Academy Primary School and Saintfield High School are within easy reach. Darragh Cross is less than a mile away with the Vivo convenience store and the popular Oaks Pub & Restaurant.

Good commuter access to the surrounding villages and to Downpatrick & Belfast.

ACCOMMODATION (all measurements are approximate)

ENTRANCE HALL: Ceramic tiled floor Close front door, stairs to 1st floor.

LOUNGE: 14’3” x 11’2” . Tiled fireplace strip timber floor.

FAMILY ROOM: Terracotta tiled floor, tiled fireplace and hearth, under stairs cupboard, recessed cupboard.

RECEPTION 2: 15’9” x 13’2”. Tiled fireplace, strip timber floor.

DINING AREA: 15’1” x 9’2”. Oil fired range, tiled floor, open reach access point.

KITCHEN: 9’3” x 8’2”. Range of high low-level units, laminate worktop, insert stainless steel sink and drainer unit, tiled walls.

REAR HALL: Ceramic tiled floor, rear door.

BATHROOM: 10’7” x 5’9”. Coloured suite comprising of a panel bath, low flush WC, pedestal wash hand basin, partly tiled walls. Hot press cupboard with Copper cylinder, shelf storage,.



BEDROOM 1: 16’3” x 13’3”. Tiled fireplace.

BEDROOM 2: 13’9” x 11’7”. Tiled fireplace.

BEDROOM 3: 8’9” x 8’5”.


CORRUGATED BARN: 29’6” x 19’4” (right hand side). Timber sliding door, light and power. 29’5” x 17’9” (left hand side) Hinged timber door. Light, fuse box electric and card meter.

GARAGE: 14’1” x 9’3”. Open fronted. Door to store.

STORE 1: 13’6” x 16’1”. Timber door, light.

STORE 2: 13’5” x 16”0’. Timber door, light, water tank.

Large concrete yard with gate access to paddock circa 0.86 acres. The paddock was previously used for grazing and enclosed by hedging.

Entrance pillars and wall to concrete laneway leading to the house and yard.

DOMESTIC RATE: Ards and North down Borough Council: Rates payable 2025/2026 =
£631.67 approx.

TENURE: Freehold

Agar Murdoch & Deane Limited for themselves and for the vendors or lessors of this property whose agents they are, give notice that: (i) the particulars are set out as a general outline only for the guidance of intending purchasers or lessees, and do not constitute, nor constitute part of, an offer or contract, (ii) all descriptions, dimensions, references to conditions and necessary permissions for use and occupation, and other details are given without responsibility and any intending purchasers or tenants should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact but must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of them. (iii) No person in the employment of Agar Murdoch & Deane Limited has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatever in relation to this property.


Killyleagh Road, Saintfield.

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Broadband Checker

Fixed-line broadband services at 17 Killyleagh Road

Broadband typeHighest available download speedHighest available upload speedAvailability
Standard 20 Mbps1 Mbps
Superfast N/AN/A
Ultrafast 900 Mbps300 Mbps

The speeds indicated on our checker represent the maximum estimated fixed-line speeds as predicted by the network operators providing services in a particular area. Please note that these are estimates, and actual service availability and speeds received at a given property may differ.

Besides fixed-line services, options for 4G, 5G, or satellite broadband may be available at the address, contingent upon the necessary hardware. These alternatives are not reflected in the checker's estimates.

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