1 Larne Street,
Ballymena, BT42 3AJ
Business (2,500 sq ft)
Offers Around £65,000
Property Overview
For Sale
Property Features
232.3 sq m (2,500 sq ft)
Property Financials
Offers Around £65,000
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- Long established hair & beauty business
- Hair Salon
- Tanning Booths
- Nail Bar
- Make Up Studio
- Price includes goodwill of business plus all fixtures, fittings and equipment
- Public Car Park close by
Urban Tanning Beauty and Hair established in 2010 is a extremely popular business with a loyal customer base. The property comprises ground and first floor retail premises which has been fitted out to a extremelly ghigh specification.
Urban Beauty, Tanning & Hair is the largest salon in Ballymena and includes
5x Sunbeds (2x Ergoline Lie down & 3x stand-ups)
2x Nail bars using Bio Sculpture & Gelish Products
Spa style treatment room which accommodates two people at a time.
Single person beauty treatment room.
Large spray tan room using Bellamianta or White to brown
Professional make-up area
Female hair salon using L’Oreal, Schwarzkopf and Milkshake
Gents barbering area and male grooming suit.
Rent £10,400 per annum
Impressive premises located at junction of Larne Street and Gilmore Street, Harryville Ballymena, public car parking across from Urban Tanning and Beauty.