Cooley RoadCooley RoadCooley Road

Cooley Road,

Sixmilecross, Omagh, BT79 9DH

Agricultural Land

Sale agreed

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+44 28 8224 5440

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Sale Agreed

Land Type

Agricultural Land

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The farm is conveniently located on the Cooley Road, on the periphery of Sixmilecross Village, a section of which lies within the Sixmilecross Development Limit. This is an excellent small holding in a renowned and highly popular farming district and early inspection is highly recommended.



This valuable compact farm comprising of Circa. 29 acres (11.74ha) or thereabouts, is situated in a fertile and productive farming area. The main holding consists primarily of silage cutting / grazing lands in good grass pasture, divided into 5 workable fields suitable for modern farming practices, totalling circa 24 acres. The ground is contained in a compact parcel and of a level topography with significant road frontage. Handling facilities with crush pen are centrally located within the roadside farmyard, which comprises of a range traditional outbuilding buildings, including barn, livestock housing, stores and yard space. The farm is bounded with perimeter stock proof fencing and mature established hedgerows. Approximately 3 acres of the farm lies within the current Sixmilecross Development Limit and is designated as ‘White Land’. The lands and farmyard are accessed directly of the Cooley Road.

An additional parcel of attached turbary and plantation is located at Patricks Hill, Deroar Road(approx.1.5 miles from main farm), extending to circa 5 acres or thereabouts is included.

Seldom do such desirable parcels of land come on the market in the district and inspection is recommended.

Inspection is strictly by appointment with the Agent, to whom all enquiries and offers should be made.


Area of Farm

Circa  29 acres / 11.74 hectares



Price on Application.


Tenure & Possession 

The Farm is sold Freehold with vacant possession available on completion.


Zoned Lands

No recent Planning applications have been made in relation to the zoned lands. Interested parties should make their own enquiries.


Basic Payment Scheme

Entitlements are not included in the sale. The claim for the current year shall be retained. The 
purchaser shall indemnify the vendor/tenant against any non-compliance from the date of completion. 


Wayleaves, Easements & Rights of Way

The property will be sold subject to and with the benefit of all existing wayleaves, easements, and rights 
of way whether mentioned in these particulars or not. An existing third-party access easement is permitted to adjoining lands.


Financial Guarantee 

The agent may request that offers be accompanied by a guarantee or suitable form of reference from a bank, which gives the sellers satisfaction that the purchaser has access to the funds required to complete the purchase at the offered price. 



The farm is presently served by mains water and electricity supply to the farmyard. Interested parties are requested to satisfy themselves on the adequacy of all services.



Viewings are strictly by appointment through the selling agents. Given the hazards of a working farm, viewers should take extra precaution regarding their own personal safety when viewing the property.


Plans, Areas, and Schedules

These are based on the Declaration of Identity and are for reference only. They have been carefully checked and computed by the selling agents, and the purchaser(s) shall be deemed to have satisfied themselves as to the description of the property and any error or misstatement shall not annul the sale nor entitle either party to compensation in respect thereof.



Main Farm : From Sixmilecross Village – proceed towards Beragh on the Cooley Road -at Cooley Primary School the Farm is situated adjacent on LHS – yard is opposite Kerr Villas.

Turbary & Planation : From Sixmilecross Main Street – proceed on Meetinghouse Road / Deroar Road for 1.2 miles – land is on RHS.


Further Information

For further information or to arrange an inspection of the property, please contact:


36 High Street | Omagh | BT78 1BQ

028 8224 5440

[email protected]


Maps and photos are published for the purposes of identification only and although believed to be correct accuracy is not guaranteed. R A Pollock, their clients and any joint agents give notice that:
1. They are not authorised to make or give any representations or warranties in relation to the 
property either here or elsewhere, either on their own behalf or on behalf of their client or 
otherwise. They assume no responsibility for any statement that may be made in these particulars. 
These particulars do not form part of any offer or contract and must not be relied upon as 
statements or representations of fact. 2. Any areas, measurements or distances are approximate. The text, photographs and plans are for guidance only and are not necessarily comprehensive. It should not be assumed that the property has all necessary planning, building regulation or other consents and R A Pollock have not tested any services, equipment or facilities. Purchasers must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise.

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